march 28 2016

Since you’re so curious.
Life’s good. Learning lots. Not sure if I like the mon-fri 9-5 work week thing. I thought it would be freeing at first because …weekends! but no, I find myself partying more or staying out late during the week and sleeping all weekend. For example st patricks day was on a Thursday, def went out and drank didn’t sleep till four so Friday and sat i basically died. so I wanted to party, let me while i can. While I can manage it all. Wed we went to rama, had an awesome night also slept two hours before going home. but really lets face it, going home was not something i looked forward to that week. My love the reality is that it was almost an ending to our story. I hope you realize that, and i hope this makes us stronger. Need to be loved that’s how it works.

uhmmmmmm kazumi is good. crazy as ever a bit of a suck. really sensitive to the flow of our relationship. is very sad when we fight and then super sucky and loving when we are good. strange cat.

threw out my back again. fucking killing me right now. probably slept funny.


Alright so…

graduated in dec.! well I have all the courses needed to graduate so just need to hand in my papers.

Florida was awesome. Weather was perfect the temp was above average which we loved because … well… warm!

New job. Career job. Full time. In my field! own office and errthang. Still working at the real estate job once or so a week which is perfect for gas. I cant imagine not working here.
Having a really hard time keeping my energy up though I keep missing the gym and yoga and last night i swear i slept like 15+ hours.
My office is really plain, just trying to think of ways to make it look…. alive. maybe a plant? lol


Pulling out my shorts and tank tops…who am I kidding I haven’t put them away yet LOL
Another Christmas in Florida with my love and as a civil engineering tech 🙂

-travel insurance
-make sure visa balance at 0
-tell work

love you


Sometimes the communication is broken. 

I never get to sleep in anymore so when I can I want to. I don’t want to say that’s what’s wrong sounds so stupid. 

If you said you were hungry I would’ve made breaky in a heart beat. 

You know that right. You’re my heartbeat. 



I am really tired.
I am physically tired. I think I am emotionally tired too. I feel constantly worried and stressed. My jaw hurts. I think I’m clenching my jaw when I sleep. When I sleep.
I wake up multiple times. I can’t get a good nights sleep without taking something that makes you sleepy. Then I wake up groggy and just as tired.

I remember the last round I worked 7 days a week. I some how found the energy to work over 50-60 hours go to the gym, yoga every other day and still stay out late. Did I sleep? I can’t even remember.

Not that I want to.

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